Impact X: Mission Conditions

Star Wars: Legion is a game of battlefield strategy – and part of that strategy is picking a battlefield. If you are able to engage your enemy under conditions that are unfavorable to them then you will have a more favorable outcome. Selecting your battlefields is an important start in winning your war for the galaxy.

In a competitive game you and your opponent both bring a deck of 12 mission parameters (4x of each: Objectives, Conditions, and Deployment) and will play a mini game to determine which mission is being played (often referred to as turn 0). The player who’s list is the lowest points gets to chose if they are the red player or the blue player, and then the blue players scenario deck is used. Because there are more than 4 of each parameter there are some strategies when choosing which to include in your deck, and also when choosing which to keep and which to eliminate during the mini game to determine the actual mission played. Keep in mind that your individual play style and list composition will determine which mission parameters will favor you most.

Continue Reading: Mission Conditions

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