Preview the Imperial Stormtroopers Upgrade Expansion and the Rebel Troopers Upgrade Expansion

“It’s them! Blast ’em!”

   –Stormtrooper, Star Wars: A New Hope

Since it launched, Star Wars™: Legion has grown to encompass iconic units from across the Star Wars saga, including both the Galactic Civil War and the Clone Wars. From grizzled veterans willing to do whatever it takes to defeat the Empire to intimidating special forces units like Imperial Death Troopers, each unit opens new possibilities for its faction, adding variety to your armies while expanding the strategies you can pursue.

Now, both sides of the Galactic Civil War are taking a different approach, outfitting the troops that have formed the backbone of their armies from the very beginning with new weapons and gear with the Imperial Stormtroopers Upgrade Expansion and the Rebel Troopers Upgrade Expansion!

In addition to containing four miniatures featuring different sculpts than those found in either the Star Wars: Legion Core Set or their respective Unit Expansions, these Upgrade Expansions also include upgrade cards featuring new heavy weapons and personnel options, giving you even more power to customize these units.

These upgrades can be seamlessly incorporated into your existing Stormtrooper and Rebel Trooper units to suit your strategy. At the same time, the heavy weapons miniatures can also be assembled with their standard weapons, giving you even more sculpts to choose from as you create your units! Join us today as we take a closer look at the new ways you can outfit some of the Galactic Civil War’s most iconic troops!

Shock and Awe

The E-11 blaster rifle may be the weapon most closely associated with the Empire’s ubiquitous Stormtroopers, but it is far from the only weapon they utilize in the field. These troops actually carry a wide range of heavy weaponry into battle, with each new weapon serving its own purpose on the battlefield.

In the Star Wars: Legion Core Set alone, Imperial Stormtroopers could add the long-range power of a DLT-19 Stormtrooper or hammer enemy vehicles with an HH-12 Stormtrooper. The Imperial Stormtroopers Upgrade Expansion adds two more heavy weapons to their arsenal, allowing them to take on an even more specialized role within your army.

Rebel units are known for their ability to dodge incoming fire, but a T-21 Stormtrooper gives their unit a better chance of hitting their targets no matter how quick they move. Sometimes, though, you need to target an enemy at longer range. During those moments, an RT-97C Stormtrooper can unleash a torrent of fire against an enemy that thought it was safe.

But heavy weapons aren’t the only way for Stormtroopers to mix up their tactics. Although their stark white armor makes it hard to discern one from another, specially trained Stormtroopers can bring benefits to the entire unit. Every corps unit risks becoming rattled in the thick of battle, but a Stormtrooper Captain assuming command can keep their troops steady in the face of adversity. Better yet, a Stormtrooper Captain brings much needed discipline to their unit, adding a valuable training icon to the unit’s upgrade bar. This opens the door for them to freely Duck and Cover from enemy fire without worrying about being suppressed during their own activation provided a nearby commander keeps them from panicking.

While they may lack the leadership abilities of a Captain, a Stormtrooper Specialist can contribute in their own way. This mini can spot targets for the unit, helping them fire more accurately. They also give the unit the option of equipping additional gear, making the unit more versatile. Combining some Grappling Hooks with Environmental Gear, for instance, makes the unit highly mobile—and all the more threatening to the enemy.

Burning Bright

The Rebellion’s greatest strength is its ability to draw beings from every planet to its ranks. Banding together to fight the Empire, these soldiers do much more than diversify the units they’re a part of. They also bring a wide variety of weaponry into battle beyond the standard A-280 blaster rifle, helping Rebel Trooper units across the galaxy adapt to changing battle conditions.

The Star Wars: Legion Core Set already gave Rebel Troopers two powerful options to deal with common battlefield situations. The Rebel Alliance knows that its troops are likely to face powerful Imperial vehicles any time they engage Imperial troops, and an MPL-57 Ion Trooper can prove invaluable when they do. Likewise, the Empire has entire legions of troops at its command, and a single Z-6 Trooper can quickly help the Rebels even the odds.

Despite these powerful options, Rebel Trooper units can contribute to their armies in even more ways with two new heavy weapons. An Ithorian equipped with an SX-21 scatterblaster, for instance, makes their entire unit extremely lethal at close range, even against enemies sporting thick armor. On the other hand, a Theelin DLT-20A Trooper can not only target enemies from a distance, they can also punch through armor and cover with a critical hit.

But some problems can’t be resolved with heavy weapons alone. One of the biggest challenges the Rebel Alliance faces is keeping the fires of rebellion burning even when all hope seems lost. An Ishi Tib Rebel Trooper Captain makes these moments a little easier for the troops under their command to bear. What’s more, combining their ability with the training slot they provide can help the captain lead their unit on an Offensive Push toward a critical objective.

On the other hand, Rebel Troopers are trained to nimbly dodge incoming attacks and a Gran Rebel Trooper Specialist can further complement this ability. Just like the Stormtrooper Specialist, they also open up new possibilities by giving their unit the chance to carry more gear. With their defensive capabilities enhanced by the Rebel Trooper Specialist, your unit might be more inclined to head deep into enemy territory loaded with some Recon Intel and Emergency Stims to help them along the way.

Outfit Your Armies

As the Galactic Civil War escalates, both sides look to better equip their troopers fighting on the ground. Enhance your units and switch up your strategies with these Upgrade Expansions for Star Wars: Legion!

Look for these Upgrade Expansions at your local retailer in the fourth quarter of 2019. Pre-order your copies at your local retailer or online through our website with free shipping in the continental United States here!

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