The Official Rulings page can be found after the jump:
Rules Reference Correction: In the Glossary entry for Calculate Odds, the second sentence should read:
As a card action, a unit with the Calculate Odds keyword can choose a friendly trooper unit at range 1 and in line of sight to gain 1 aim token, 1 dodge token, and 1 suppression token.
Rules Reference Correction: In the Glossary entry for Emplacement Trooper and Withdraw, the following bullet point should be added:
- An emplacement trooper can perform any number of available free actions when that unit withdraws.
Rules Reference Correction: In the Glossary entry for Immune: Pierce, the sub-bullet point should read:
- The Pierce keyword can be used on defense dice rolled by a unit without Immune: Pierce that is using the Guardian keyword, even if the defender of the attack has the Immune: Pierce keyword.
Rules Reference Correction: In the Glossary entry for Standby, the following bullet point should be added:
- A unit cannot spend more than one standby token per instance of being able to spend standby tokens, even if that unit is able to spend standby tokens from other units.
Question: Can a unit use Fire Support while it is engaged with an enemy unit?
Answer: No. The unit using Fire Support must be able to contribute weapons that are eligible to be used for a ranged attack as if that unit were making a ranged attack. A unit is not able to perform ranged attacks while engaged, and therefore its ranged weapons–unless they have the Versatile keyword–are not eligible to be added to a ranged attack via Fire Support.
Question: While the effects of the Limited Visibility condition card are active, can a unit use Fire Support even if the distance between it and the defender is beyond the ranges specified by Limited Visibility?
Answer: No. The unit using Fire Support must be able to contribute weapons that are eligible to be used for a ranged attack as if that unit were making a ranged attack. The defender is beyond the range at which a ranged attack can be performed, and therefore the unit’s ranged weapons are not eligible to be added to a ranged attack at that distance via Fire Support.
Question: On R2-D2’s unit card, the Repair 2: Capacity 2 ability is an action, but in the Rules Reference the Repair ability is referred to as a free action. Which is correct?
Answer: R2-D2’s unit card is correct. While the Rules Reference does indeed refer to Repair as a free action, any card ability can be a full action or a free action depending on how it appears on a card.
Question: Can a unit with the Secret Mission keyword gain a victory token at the end of the game if it received that victory token because it was assigned one at the start of the game by the Bounty keyword rather than from performing the Secret Mission action?
Answer: Yes.
Question: When panicked and moving toward the closest edge of the battlefield, do droid troopers perform a single move action or two move actions?
Answer: Droid troopers, like all other trooper types, perform only one move action while panicked.
Question: Do two smoke tokens combine to provide heavy cover?
Answer: Yes. Smoke tokens also combine with light cover to provide heavy cover.
Question: Do the bases of miniatures block line of sight?
Answer: No.
Question: Two players using Count Dooku and Director Krennic each play those characters’ 2-pip command cards during the Command phase (“Double the Fall” and “Deploy the Garrison”). Both cards have an effect at the start of the Activation phase, so which player resolves the effect first?
Answer: The blue player resolves their effect first.
Question: Can a creature trooper both displace enemy trooper minis and start a melee with that enemy unit?
Answer: Only if it also ends its movement in base contact with one of the unit’s minis without displacing that mini.
Question: Can I use Leia Organa’s Coordinated Bombardment command card after withdrawing from a melee engagement?
Answer: Yes, and General Veers can do the same thing with his Maximum Firepower command card