Maximum Annihilation: Krennic vs Veers


It’s Thursday night Legion night at my FLGS Games Cube. Fresh from lots of spacemen pew pew at ANZAC Cup, I lined up another game with my mate Damo.

I’ve just finished painting my Imperial Royal Guard, and was pretty keen to give them a spin. I dropped a few things (Snowtroopers, Comms Tech) from my ANZAC Cup list in order to fit the IRG in. Damo took a Krennic, Deathtrooper and AT-ST list which is quite different to anything I’ve faced so far. This should be fun!

Continue Reading after the jump:

Into The Nexus’ Bothan Report: Operation Kessel Extraction Part 1

Dwayne Morash has another awesome battle report posted over at

“Welcome back to another Bothan Report. This will be another multi part series detailing the events of a team of Rebels freeing some Wookie slaves from the Spice Mines of Kessel while the Imperials have arrived to stop them from getting away.

No mission objectives were selected this match. It was a straight up elimination game with the winner at the end of round 7 being the player who has the most points in Units left on the table. I am playing the Rebels and my friend Kyle is playing the Imperials.”

Lets have a look at the forces…after the jump:

Yavin Base Team League Round One Battle Report from Guest Author – Screwtape

The New Ways to Motivate Them blog has an awesome Battle Report written by guest author Screwtape in regards to Round One of the Tabletop Simulator Yavin Base Team League (😅 that’s a month full).

At any rate head on over after the jump to see what’s been going on:

Impact X: Battle Report Episode 1

Jordi and I got together to play a casual game to test out the equipment and noise in the new space. I live on a busy street under the LAX flight path so it was a bit of a concern. Everything turned out good enough to share with you guys, and it was a close interesting game so it should be an enjoyable watch.

Im working on finding intro music and on polishing the presentation in general – but I would love to hear your thoughts on it over all and if there is anything I can do to improve the quality and quantity of information coming through.

cheers guys, many more to come.

Impact X: Battle Report Episode 0

Lj Peña of Invader League fam got together and played a casual game to test out the equipment and the format for the many battle reports to come. Everything turned out good enough to share with you guys, and it was a close interesting game so it should be an enjoyable watch.

Im working on finding intro music and on polishing the presentation in general – but I would love to hear your thoughts on it over all and if there is anything I can do to improve the quality and quantity of information coming through.

cheers guys, many more to come.