Speculation: Future Expansion Release Dates

Over the past few weeks we’ve gotten a wealth of future drops. Below are some speculated dates of when we should be seeing these drops dropping on store shelves. I should state that these dates are my speculation only and nothing official.

Jyn Erso & the Pathfinders: Feb 21st

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FFG Previews: Sabine And Bossk!!

As the Galactic Empire spreads itself across the galaxy, even the most independent beings are drawn into the growing power struggle. Soon, the ranks of both the Empire and the Rebellion will be bolstered by two warriors who aren’t afraid to think for themselves. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce two new units for Star Wars™: Legion!

Read the article after the jump: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2019/2/6/on-the-hunt/