Skull Forge Studios’ January Releases

Jordon of Skullforge Studios is at it again! Producing some incredible minis. I’m super excited about finally getting the Jedha bystanders that we’ve seen popping up in HVMWorkbench’s Jedha table photos!

Also Dr. Evazan and Pando Baba!!

Jorden says: “Just a small sprinkling of new stuff for January but rest assured, fun stuff is incoming (when it warms up a little!!)

Suggestions for new content are always welcome, and if you’re a fan or want to follow along consider joining our official community group!”

House of Gaming Partner of Imperial Terrain Opens Shop

House of Gaming is pleased to announce their new 3d terrain printing service.

They have partnered with Imperial Terrain to bring you their exclusive terrain for Star Wars Legion and other Sci Fi games, in both painted and unpainted form, at extremely competitive prices shipped within the UK.

They also post battle reports, building guides, etc on their site as well.

Find their shop after the jump: