Canonical Arc Troopers

I’ve been really struggling to find enough canonical arc troopers to fill my Republic ranks. After a long day of research here’s what I’ve found:

(Note: the Arc Trooper expansion comes with two types of helmets, Phase 1.5 and Phase 2.)

Fives and Echo are the two names arc’s that come with the set. Canonically Echo never wore the Phase 2 helmet only the Phase 1.5. Fives had both.

Jesse is another named arc from the 501st. He is bald headed so the extra helmetless head could be used for a helmetless Jesse. Also he only ever used the Phase 2 helmet. Continue reading →

Painting Guide: Shoretroopers

The shoretroopers can be tricky as there are several versions based on ranking each with unique details and a lot of them.

Here is a quick guide to helping you in your painting if canonical Shoretroopers are your goal:

One note, the expansion’s unit leader would be the Squad Leader, not the Captain. You could proxy a Captain Shoretrooper though as an Imperial Officer upgrade if you were so inclined.

Legion Academy: How To Create Four Different Surface Textures

In Shawn’s easy to use Guide, terrain makers will learn four (4) simple texturing techniques to bring their gaming surface to life. Whether you are looking to create a sandy desert, exposed dirt, snowy tundra, or even a lush field on your table or miniature bases, check out the video!

Check out the original post after the jump: