The Fifth Trooper: (Re) Balance in the Force – Star Wars: Legion Points Update


This article takes a look at the surprise (but not unwelcome) points re-balance and errata that was announced this past week and will be hitting in mid-September.

Boy, we are really hurting for relevant things to talk about lately, huh?

Unless you have been living in a Bantha cave for the last two weeks, you know that Legion is undergoing a points re-balance and errata.  There were several changes to competitively relevant units (ahem, strike teams) and some nice points drops on other units and upgrades that were not seeing much competitive play.

A few notes from FFG about how this is going to work for Legion: the re-balance was in two components, errata and points updates.  The former will be for all play modes and will be reflected and printed on future cards; the latter is specifically for tournament play and is published in the back of the RRG (of course players are welcome to use them for their own local games if they wish).

Since points re-balance is primarily for tournament play, this article will focus on the (new) competitiveness of the affected units, as well as how some of the changes effect units that weren’t directly changed.

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The Fifth Trooper – Legion 101 – Learning to Count in Star Wars: Legion

Star Wars Legion Counting

Learning to Count In Star Wars: Legion

One of the largest goals of Legion 101 is to help new players understand the fundamentals of “good Legion play.” I put “good” in quotations here because it’s a catch-all term for a set of ideas about how the play the game that, random factors willing, produce a positive result.

The number one way to begin to improve is becoming more deliberate about the way the game is played. These articles are written in the hopes of taking some portion of one’s Star Wars: Legion play off autopilot. How many times have certain game states caught me unaware, and victory slipped from my grasp?

So, that said, what does the title phrase “learning to count” actually mean? There are multiple parts of the game where pausing for a moment to gather some data about the board state will help you make better decisions. That’s a complicated way of saying that counting up certain aspects of the board will make you more aware of your win condition, and can guide you towards the next best move.

The Fifth Trooper Clone Wars Unboxing and GenCon Display Videos

Our good buddies over at The Fifth Trooper Network posted up some awesome videos from this past weekend at GenCon:

The Fifth Trooper Alt Art Cards for the Northeast Open

Here’s some all of the cards I collberated on with Jay Shelanskey of The Fifth Trooper for his Star Wars Legion tournament The Northeast Open. Basically I drew the characters, he did all the rest 😆. I love the oldschool baseball card feel! He’s a super talented guy. Stay tuned.

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The Fifth Trooper: Armor for your Armoire – Let’s talk about the Occupier Tank in Star Wars Legion

Remember back in the beginning of Star Wars Legion play when every game had armor in it? Whether you were running the AT-ST, a couple of AT-RTs or the T47, it seemed like we all had armor at one point in our lists and we were having a blast. It was fun because it was thematic, it was also nostalgic and throwing up to 14 dice at another unit is amazing (thanks to Weiss’ giving you arsenal 4). Then the meta shifted and all of us “meta philosophers” told you the age of armor was over and so we (for the most part) moved on.

Star Wars Legion Tank

Out of the gate this once again was a win for the Empire. Why did it make us all so happy when announced? First, unlike the Landspeeder it made sense. This was a replica from an amazing scene from one of our most beloved recent movies, not a round peg – square hole like the Landspeeder. Like the Star Wars Legion core set and the AT-ST and T-47 before it, the Occupier knocked on the door where we hide our inner child and said “come out and play”.

continue reading after the jump:

The Fifth Trooper: When Death Troopers come knocking: Why my Star Wars Legion list has changed

If you have listened to our podcast The Fifth Trooper or our sister cast Notorious Scoundrels, you know that since January I have been running a 12-activation list that I loved. It didn’t have any heroes; it didn’t have any truly costly units; it was just a wall of units coming down at you (if you haven’t heard of it or need a refresher it is to the right).

 I loved this list for several reasons:

  • Activation Control: I had 12 activations, generally I could count on having at least 2 more than most opponents I faced.
  • Blue Bid: It had a 5 pt bid. 90% of the time this meant I was going to be blue player.
  • Low Cost Units: The costliest unit I had in the list were the Royal Guard. That was it. So, the fear of losing a centerpiece unit was not a factor. Continue reading →

The Fifth Trooper: Alt Art Cards for the Northeast Open

Are you registered for the Northeast Open? No? Well maybe this will help everyone who plays will get a set of Alt Art Commander and Operative cards!
Spots are going fast so sign up today!

Character art done by me! Graphic art done by Jay!

The Trade Federation has arrived: Why I think Star Wars Legion’s price will increase

Trade Federation

by Jay Shelanskey

It seems that the old saying “Life imitates art” may just be true. As the Clone Wars reach our shores so may the Trade Federation. What in the blue milk am I talking about?

In a capital not so far away there has been a trade dispute occurring with another land. The dispute has led to increased tariffs on goods from this land by 25%. Now for the most part this has not included goods such as board games and has been more focused on electronics, batteries, auto parts etc. But there has been a list prepared by the US Trade Reps that includes board games as a potential product to incur the 25% tariff.

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