Fishing is the tactic of attacking with a low probability dice pool and hoping for a big result, or throwing back a small result in hopes of a bigger one. Fishing is a key tactic with certain units or under certain circumstances. Knowing when to fish and what your probabilities are can often get you a favorable outcome out of a seemingly impossible situation.
The premise and execution is pretty easy, the trick is identifying when to fish and what the probabilities are. The core of fishing is knowing the probabilities and picking the right tools to put towards certain situations to produce an unlikely outcome.
Relevant Rules:
version agnostic
Red: 1x blank, 5x success, 1x surge, 1x critical or 75% chance of success without surge and 87.5% with surge.
Black: 3x blank, 3x success, 1x surge, 1x critical or 50% chance of success without surge and 62.5% with surge.
White: 5x blank, 1x success, 1x surge, 1x critical or 25% chance of success without surge and 37.5% with surge.
All Dice Critical: 6x blank, 1x surge, 1x critical or 12.5% chance of critical without surge and 25% chance with surge.
Red with Reroll: 93.75% no surge, 97.5% with surge
Black with Reroll: 75% no surge, 86% with surge
White with Reroll: 43.75% no surge, 61% with surge
All Dice Critical with Reroll: 22.5% no surge, 43.75% with surge.
Given the above constants we can see that there are situations where certain dice or certain rerolls can give us results in scenarios that are otherwise unlikely to produce results. The core of this tactic falls within the percentage on dice constants and the defensive constants such as cover and armor.
Continue reading after the jump: https://www.legionimpact.com/blog/corner-case-fishing